Let's continue now, going beyond just HEARING the Speaker, but also showing UNDERSTANDING. This time as the Listener, you'll be noticing the inner feelings the Speaker might be feeling. It's okay to guess; your partner will confirm or tweak the adjective you try. Need help coming up with feeling words? Try this colorful Feeling Word Wheel, adapted from an original idea attributed to Dr. Gloria Willcox (I don't know who did this fuller version). Here's the script (stay with the same Speaker situation as in Lesson One):
LISTENER: When you told me about [summary of what Speaker just said], I'm wondering if you felt [feeling adjective]?
SPEAKER: [Say Yes, or Kind of, it's more like a feeling of [give alternative feeling word].]
LISTENER: Okay, it makes you feel [repeat the feeling word, or give close synonym]. Are there any other feelings?
SPEAKER/LISTENER: [Continue until the Speaker not only feels heard, but also understood.]
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