Hi, I'm Steve, a counselor in Woodstock, Georgia, USA. My passion is to work intensely with couples to improve communication. When you do that, you help many areas of the relationship: companionship, sex & intimacy, parenting skills, and more. How did I learn all this? It's a bit of a long story, but I'd like to give credit to several ministries and authors, whose principles I've incorporated into my practice for years:
Healing for the Nations, with Steve & Rujon Morrison
Grace Ministries International, especially their "Encounter" program
Richmont Graduate University, including the textbook The Art of Helping by Robert R. Carkhuff
Stephen Ministry (volunteer ministry work I did before becoming a therapist)
Harville Hendrix's Getting the Love You Want
Milan & Kay Yerkovich's How We Love
Iām also Prepare/Enrich certified and am working on other certifications and training programs to increase my effectiveness as a therapist.
I trained at Richmont Graduate University and am a Licensed Professional Counselor, practicing in Georgia, USA. Married since 1980, my wife and I have three grown children.
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